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About Us

Welcome to our new website!
Since the beginning of David Brown Parts in 2001 the constant aim has been to do our best to source what our customers require. For example, worn, sloppy steering on early David Browns was a common fault but we are now able to supply everything from the steering wheel right through to the front hubs, to eliminate this problem. Our range of Selectamatic radiator grilles is the most comprehensive available as well as being the best. Our local manufacturer has 20 years’ experience of making them for us. Unfortunately, there are instances where local sourcing is not possible. Nevertheless, we still strive to not only supply British made parts but to use local manufacturers wherever possible. This enhances quality control and communication.
The main feature of this new website is the ability to order and pay for parts online, which has been requested by customers for some time. This is not intended to replace a personal approach, if you are in any doubt at all about what you need rest assured that we will still be available by phone or email to deal with your enquiries!